Participants in my Peak Performing Professor seminars will go beyond traditional time management to learn life management skills to do great work while having a great life. After attending, they are able to:
- Anchor all of their activities into a life management system that articulates a purpose, mission, and vision;
- Define and achieve work-balance;
- Focus their energy and time on high priority tasks both personal and professional.
- Track all projects and tasks into one-easy-to manage system which eliminates the need for daily to-do lists and tiny scraps of paper with tasks on them;
- Break down Big Goals like "write a book" into small manageable steps taking 15-30 minutes each;
- Develop individualized strategies to manage the three main roles of faculty, namely, teaching, researching, and serving
Susan Robison's programs have served numerous clients just like you, organizations who want their members to enhance their professional strengths while living balanced lives.
Click a title for more detailed information
- The Peak Performing Professor: A Practical Guide to Productivity and Happiness
- Academic Leader as Coach: Skills for Transformational Conversations
- Ten Time Management Tips for Terrific Teaching
- Time Management: Why You Don't Need it, Can't Do it Anyway, and What to Do Instead
- Plays Well With Others: Introduction to Communication Skills in the Workplace
- Your Best Year Ever: Managing Your Mission, Yourself, and Your Time
- Staying Sane in Insane Places: Managing Diverse Faculty Responsibilities in a Changing Environment
- Ages and Stages of The Peak Performing Professor: Early, Mid, and Late Career Faculty
- Confessions of a Reluctant Author